The Manitoba Geological Survey & The Mineral Occurence Database Update - Dr. Tafa Kennedy & Marc Rinne
Dr. Tafa Kennedy
Director, Manitoba Geological Survey
Dr. Tafa Kennedy is the Director of Manitoba Geological Survey, with over 20 year’s experience in the exploration and mining industry, in South Africa, Tanzania, Quebec and Ontario. Tafa obtained her B.Sc from Rhodes University, M.Sc from Pretoria University and Ph.D. from the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi. She has worked as a Nickel and PGE deposit geologist in Raglan and Kabanga for Xstrata Nickel and as a consultant geologist in Quebec, roaming in and around the Abitibi greenstone belt dealing with gold and base metal deposits. After a time in Industry, her call to the public service began in 2017 with the Resident Geologist Program and the Mining Lands Division in Ontario.
Marc Rinne
Precambrian Geologist, Manitoba Geological Survey
Marc Rinne is a Precambrian Geologist with the Manitoba Geological Survey, with field experience in many types of mineral deposits. He obtained his Masters in Geology at Lakehead University, and his PhD in Geology at the University of Tasmania. His most recent work with the survey involves fieldwork in parts of the Canadian shield in eastern Manitoba, as well as updates to the provincial Mineral Deposits Database.